The world does not need a definition of religion as much as it needs a demonstration. - Martin Luther 

Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. The Bible: James 1:27


James begins by using words like “pure” and “undefiled”. Other translations might use the words “faultless”, “unblemished” or “spotless”. Whatever the words, James is describing something for us here. So, while commonly referred to as a “command” to care for orphans, James 1:27 is in fact NOT a command verse, it’s a descriptive verse.

There’s no command language in this verse. Instead, this verse is describing something that is pure and undefiled in its application and expression. Interesting fact—the Greek word for “pure” is translated as “catharsis” in English, meaning “cleansing”. This is the root from which our word “cathartic” is derived. 

This refers to an activity or practice which is psychologically or emotionally relieving or cleansing for us. It’s also the same root we get our word “catheter” from—a tube inserted into the body to drain toxic or potentially dangerous fluids. So there’s something pure and cleansing about what James is describing—not commanding.

A true religion according to St. James was faultless, flawless and spotless from the works of the world. When we say, worldly works it involves activities that what makes the world go round.

MONEY is the most common word describes as the root of all evil. Money was also the source of wicked deeds. All religious group that involves money laundering makes WORLDLY works.

Instead of giving and caring for the misfortunate, some religious group are building institutions like Schools, Hospitals and any other money generated worldly works that even their poorest members can't even afford on it.

This RELIGIOUS GROUPS are hypocrites, by claiming they are the true religion, true church, and blaspheming God by claiming as the people of God where they omits words, writings, bible scripture as their doctrine but not realizing being STAINED by worldly works by using the tithes and offering of their members for elders and other ministers LUXURIES.

Satan himself, claimed that he owned this world. Satan tempted the sacrificial lamb Jesus of Nazareth that he(Satan) will give all the glory and things of the earth if Jesus of Nazareth will bow to him.

Now, evaluate your religious group where you belong if it is a money launderer. Using tithes and offerings including donations to build prestigious schools and hospitals for the sake of business and even members will unable to afford on it.

Hope you learned something on my article that involves religion. Always remember, never let your right hand know what your left hand in doing charity works.